Advisory urges domestic help in urban slums to stay home for now
India National Centre for Disease Control custodia cover huawei p20 pro cover samsung j4 plus 2018 (NCDC), which functions under the health ministry, has issued an advisory for urban slums in view of the coronavirus disease cover iphone 5s supreme (Covid 19) cover samsung galaxy a5 outbreak, asking house helps apple iphone 7/8 silicone back cover zwart in these areas to take a short break from work in order to ensure that neither they nor cover iphone 5 liquido their employers catch the infection.
family member working as domestic help in neighbourhood should cover samsung s5 neo specchio request exemption from service for a short period of two weeks so as to ensure that neither the employer nor employee acquires and spreads COVID 19. If they are required to go to work, coque samsung galaxi j3 2016 they should practice proper hand washing with soap and water at and after work, coque miroir huawei y6 2017 the advisory said.
It said all residents should custodia cover samsung s10e have cover samsung s7 con scritte access to soap and water for frequent hand washing for cover iphone 5c cellular line at least 20 seconds, and local leaders need to check the spread of rumours and misinformation related to the disease.
communities, inadequate shelter and overcrowding are risk factors ebay cover iphone 5s silicone in the transmission of diseases with epidemic potential such as Covid 19.
In a recent serological survey by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), about 1.89% cover iphone 6s particolari of the population in cover samsung a3 2017 animali urban slums surveyed as opposed to the 1.09% in urban areas surveyed and 0.73% in overall population surveyed in over 20 states showed past exposure to the Sars CoV 2 virus, coque iphone 5c monstre et cie which causes the infection. A sero survey is conducted by testing blood samples to determine the presence of antibodies against Sars Cov 2.
According to the 2011 Census, coque samsung galaxy grand prime rigolote there were 2,613 towns/cities with such settlements having cover samsung advance a total population of 65.4 million in 13.9 million households.
The government focus is cover samsung s7 edge adidas now on 3d cover for iphone 6 containing the disease spread in urban areas, and to ensure the virus did not affect rural cover iphone swaroski areas or green zones, which cover iphone 7 gufi are largely unaffected at the moment.
areas are densely populated that puts the population at a higher risk of contracting infection. However, we must realise that no two urban settlements are the same; so there is a need to draft a micro plan for prevention and containment keeping in mind custodia cover samsung note10 plus the local conditions of the area. worlds porter robinson coque iphone 11 In Delhi, if you see, there are several types of residential colonies and each would cover i phone 8 require a specific containment plan, especially those that are more populated, said Dr Jugal Kishore, anime wolf coque iphone 11 community medicine faculty,