Platform Media Company
I Love MCR is an independent multimedia company based in the heart of Manchester.
An internationally iconic city brand and trusted voice of civic pride adopted by Manchester people, championing community and culture.
Out veste pokemon of chaos came creativity. Custodia Cover iphone 11 pro max james harden NBA art Z4920 Case Launched in reaction to the mindless riots in 2011, I Love MCR gained unprecedented organic reach on social media and was proudly emblazoned on the cover samsung galaxy s6 edge plus city streets as a statement for solidarity and resilience.
Inspiring community led clean ups, the Love Manchester campaign positively resonated with residents and visitors alike. It wasn long before we became a charitable communications company with an antidote to antisocial news.
Today, our globally recognised brand continues to fearlessly and optimistically champion a better and sustainable future for Greater Manchester. Together with our partners, we help boost the local economy and enhance the city region cover samsung j3 2017 gatto public image.
2020 I Love MCR registered trademark (since 2009)
I Love MCR documents life in Greater Manchester with a variety of editorial and video content to help people discover (and rediscover) the city supersonic stories and secrets.
The iconic I Love MCR logo speaks an international language of love and has become a trusted symbol of civic pride, solidarity and unity adopted by Manchester people.
We inform, inspire and influence a huge community of people while creating a unique picture of the city.
The long and the short of it is, I Love MCR is a positive publication and platform to advertise Manchester as a desirable destination to visit, live, work and do business in an aim to boost local economy.
Whilst bringing stories to life, we advertise businesses and raise awareness of charities which benefit communities within Greater Manchester using social and digital marketing, and outdoor media aka out of home media.
I Love MCR is a vehicle for mobilising Mancunians with meaningful content that connects communities.
Our heart in the right place. Manchester.
I Love MCR likes to share the good news offerte cover iphone 6s and Manchester has plenty of it. cover iphone 11 dj snake Our publication receives an average of 14 million views per year samsung a40 hoesje by posting positive Manchester news, community stories and presenting a credible cultural city guide.
We share inspiring stories of local people, communities, businesses, charities and events. Custodia Cover iphone 11 pro max barcelona logo galaxy Z4349 Case For the love of Manchester, we cover everything from community and charity to lifestyle and culture.
We like iphone 8 cover and cases to think our positive posts help put Manchester on the world stage and boost local economy.
Located in the north west of England, Manchester is the economic hub of cover iphone 6 rihanna the north with a population of over half a million proud people in the city centre and more than cover iphone xs carbon 2.7 million people live across the 10 boroughs of Greater Manchester.
A city that makes cover iphone 6 west ham history and shapes the future, Manchester was the heart of the industrial revolution. A city with a glorious past and, perhaps, cover uag iphone 7 an even greater future.
It been said, Manchester thinks today, the world thinks tomorrow The world truly modern city which paved the way with a wealth custodia cover iphone 5 5s se of world first innovations.
The place where mankind first split the atom. The invention the first modern computer; The first free public library in the country. cover custodia case iphone 11 D3624 dark wallpaper 15oA0 The first totally artificial waterway. The first city with gas street lighting. The world first true railway. The city of the suffragettes. cover samsung j5 2017 dybala The birthplace of graphene, the cover samsung s4 divertenti world thinnest material.
Manchester is a vibrant word class city, rich in social and cultural history. Unlike other metropolis, Manchester is an ever morphing constellation of stories, personalities and moving cover completa iphone 6 parts which welcome everyone with open arms. Custodia Cover iphone 11 pro max straight outta wakanda black panther Z7072 Case This cover iphone 6 vr46 warm reception informs daily life and a unique civic pride. It expressed through the endearing custom of greeting strangers in the cover samsung galaxy note 3 neo disney street and in the way coffee shops feel like laid back community lounges.
This city is more than just a destination, Manchester is a home. Manchester has a proud history of solidarity of standing up for those who need help.
From Peterloo to the Pankhursts, our city gives a voice to the voiceless. We stick together here, too we know the power of community and know that, as Mancunians, we have far more in common with cover caricabatterie iphone 5 amazon each other than that which divides us. And the Manchester of today is no exception.
Whether you were born here or drawn here, Manchester is a multicultural city which welcomes people from all over the world with amenities for people of all backgrounds. It one of the most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities in the world with more than 150 languages spoken.
Apart from Manchester music and football, the key to the city success on the world stage is its togetherness.
Manchester has custodia cover huawei mate 20 pro been named as one of the top 10 cities to visit by Lonely Planet, the UK most liveable city by The Economist and one of the best places in the world to go by The New York Times.
As the city fortune swelled in the 19th century, so did its civic pride. Manchester elite saw the city as the cover samsung note 10.1 2014 new Venice and commissioned grand buildings and monuments, taking architectural inspiration from across the ages.
Manchester architectural crown and glory and focus of its civic pride is its town hall. Built to rival the great buildings of London, this is an architectural gem that cover samsung galaxy j 3 proclaimed is Manchester and we arrived. Held in trust for Mancunians and the nation by the council, it the city favourite cover samsung galaxi tab 2 wedding venue and a stage set for TV film. It even features on its own Royal Mail stamp.
Manchester may no longer be England industrial powerhouse but it a city that never stopped dreaming.